Thursday, 6 June 2013

From the inside out

I have to start this post by saying that – over the past two days – I have once again been reminded of just how blessed I am by the friends that surround me. Thank you for love, for honest talks and for the inspiration and wisdom you bring into my life. I am VERY lucky to be able to call you “friends”! Anyhoo, back to what we have been honestly talking about.

I have always been “not too shabby” where communication is concerned – it is one of the few things that come naturally for me. I have lots of words, I can put them in straight lines and logical arguments, and I usually do not stumble over them when talking. It is only in the past week or so that I have realised that exactly this natural aptitude has made me lazy…and has made my ability to communicate devolve…
The strange thing is that, when the realisation finally hit, I wanted to sulk. This is something that I'm good at; it's not supposed to be so much work…demmit! I want to quote Strengthsfinder and say that we shouldn't be focusing so much energy on things we have to work too hard at, things that aren't our natural strengths. But then good friends remind me that that isn't exactly what the Strengthsfinder team had in mind (or communicated, if I'm being honest). And (of course) I watch a show about professional sports and realise that, even though an athlete obviously has to have a natural affinity for the sport, that affinity sans daily practice and honing of the skill doesn't mean much for long. It might even mean that someone that's less talented, but more dedicated, replaces you.

My (unwilling) conclusion? Being good at something does not mean less work. Focusing on your strengths does not mean less practice. It just means more effective work and more efficient practice. And so I am pulling myself back - with a LOT of help from my friends - from the ever-present abyss of: "It must be that I am not good enough and that this is not a strength of mine." And I will daily be replacing that falling thought with: "I am honing my skill and perfecting my strength." What a difference that makes!

"Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There's plenty of movement, but you never know if it's going to be forward, backwards, or sideways." - H Jackson Brown 

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