Thursday, 7 February 2013

About today

I have been thinking about my friends in the “caring” professions a lot lately…maybe because I know just how hard this year has hit most of us.

Ah, “caring professions” – the sugar coated, more than slightly patronising name given to those jobs that daily deal with life’s mess; to those people who dedicate their time and their passion to wading through the chaos and the fragments that living can turn a person into, trying to help salvage and restore. Some people – mostly those not in one of these professions – will declare it a blessing. Most will look at you strangely, wondering why you do this to yourself. All enjoy being at the “cared for” end.

And then I heard this The National song again yesterday:
Today you were far away, and I didn't ask you why.
What could I say? I was far away.
You just walked away, and I just watched you - what could I say?
Tonight you just close your eyes, and I just watch you slip away.

It reminded me that that is how most of the world lives – far away – from each other, from themselves. Now, a whole lot of the population really isn’t even aware that’s what’s happening. They live their lives completely unaware of the worlds they are walking past. It’s those people who look at you all confused when you talk about what you cannot help but see going on around you. There are those who do experience “inklings” – who see the distance, the stories unfolding, but who prefer to stay “far away”. We would not want things to get complicated and uncomfortable, now would we?

And then there are those – like my best friend Maryke – who feel like they’re always living “a little too close for comfort”. Those who have been cursed with the gift of true empathy; those who can never be “far away” from anyone; those who cannot help but see. It is to you that I dedicate this post. So here’s to you – the really crazy ones.
The ones who cannot close off or pretend that stories and worlds aren’t happening right next to them. More than that, who do not want to. You can see it in their eyes, because they truly see you. They are brave beyond measure. They are never far away. They always ask what everyone else is afraid to. They always choose to engage, even if they don’t know what to say. They never give up, no matter what they feel like. They will never allow you to just “slip away”.

You are a very rare breed indeed. You are mostly undervalued, and always underpaid. You are misunderstood. Your lives will always be full and difficult. You don’t often get to see the results of your “being close”. But you are precious beyond measure. The curse of your gift is the only thing that keeps this world standing. Without your eyes, your hearts, your hands and your efforts, life would continue to be a hollow shell. If you were ever to give up, we might just as well close the curtains on the charade called “an unexamined life”. Because of you dreaming becomes possible. Hell, thinking of things such as possibilities becomes possible!

Thank you. Please do not ever stop, no matter how hard it might be. And may God grant you the gift of at least one other “really crazy” like you, who can help you carry without even talking. YOU ARE PRECIOUS BEYOND MEASURE.

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